Experienced and specialized consultants
Experienced team of consultants and their specializations,
We are committed and we have a passion for what we do,
We believe that knowledge is a continuous process and we share it with clients and candidates,
We care about the environment and safety at work.
Experienced and specialized consultants
We constantly monitor the satisfaction of clients and candidates
We care about the safety of workplaces
We are committed to ecology
We respond to requests as quickly as possible
We will propose the best candidates. We use effective methods of reaching the indicated specialists and talents, and we conduct a selection process based on competency testing.
Ask for proposalWe enter into partnerships with organizations promoting the highest standards of the world of work and services, care for nature and market practices in the trend of sustainable development.
Company headquarters:
ul. Marszałkowska 126, 00-008 Warsaw.
Company registration data:
Abalone Poland Sp. z o.o. ul. Marszałkowska 126, 00-008 Warsaw, registered under the KRS number 0000832729, NIP 8971877187, REGON 385757845, file reference WR.VI NS-REJ. KRS / 8333/20/39 / REGON, share capital PLN 100,000.
Bądź ostrożny! Aby uniknąć oszustw, prosimy o sprawdzenie danych kontaktowych przedstawiciela Abalone przed nawiązaniem jakiegokolwiek kontaktu. Abalone nie pobiera od kandydatów żadnych opłat za rejestrację i/lub pośrednictwo pracy. W przypadku podejrzanego kontaktu prosimy o poinformowanie agencji.
Будьте обережні! Щоб уникнути шахрайства, будь ласка, перевірте контактну інформацію вашого представника Abalone перед будь-яким контактом. Abalone не стягує з кандидатів жодної плати за реєстрацію та/або розміщення. У разі підозрілого контакту, будь ласка, повідомте своє агентство.
Be careful! To avoid scams, please check the contact details of your Abalone representative before any contact. Abalone does not charge candidates any fees for their registration and/or placement. In case of suspicious contact, please inform your agency.